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Wednesday 6 July 2011


--Books makes a man.

“I Daniel understood by books”-(Daniel9:2)
When God intends a change for a people, He also gets them reading.
Therefore I believe a change is about to occur: For change is the only things that bring progress. A man who must make meaning progress in his field must be prepare to read, for a person who doesn’t read is no any better than one who cannot read.
It is in the process of reading and learning that we experience improvement in our minds. There is no achiever who is not a reader. The more you read, the better you become, provided you are reading the right things. For your life move in the direction of the books you read.
It is said that “John F. Kenneth could read 1,200 words per minutes”. This amount to why he was able to consume so great an amount of information. When he was a senator, He was to be operated upon to correct an old injury he sustained. He was informed that he would be sedentary for months. He decided to study the lives of America most courageous men. At the end of the period, he wrote a book called “Profile in Courage” The book won the pitilizers award.
Bishop David Oyedepo said and I quote “somebody asks me what I do with my time?” I reply, I only read and think. Reading are leaders, leaders are ladders other climb to reach the top….. He said “If you’re a minister and you have access to the facts that I’m using we will have the same results. The difference between my peers and I is the privilege insight I have gotten through rigorous study. “Study yourself approved unto God as a workman that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of Truth” (2tim2:15.)
“The more studious you are, the more glorious your destiny become.” That means the bigger your mind, the larger your coast’ Yonggi Cho is one of the biggest brains that the Church of Jesus Christ has ever known. The growth of his church is a function of his mental capacity. “It is your mental picture that determine your actual future” Peter one of the Apostles was speaking of one of the greatest man in the New Testament .Paul the Apostle. He said” As also in his entire epistle, “Speaking of this as he does in all of his letters. There are some things in those (epistles of Paul) that are difficult to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist and misconstrue to their own utter destruction, just as (they distort and misinterpret) the rest of the rest (2Peter3:16.)
The Apostle Peter recognized Paul high level of mentality but the secret is in (2Timothy 4:13). (When) you  come, bring the cloak that I left at Troas with Carpus, also the books, especially the parchments. Reading is the gate-way to reigning. “Reading makes a full man”
Reading is the way out of ignorance and the road to achievement. (1Timothy 4:13) “Till I come, give attention to reading….”Reading culture is the key to creating a future” by Dr. David Oyedepo.
Reading is cure for ignorance. Even God said in (Isaiah34:16) “Search from the book of the Lord, not one of them shall fail, not one shall lack her mate, for my mouth has command it, and His Spirit has gathered them.”


Matthew 19:3-4 The Pharisees also came to Him (Jesus) testing Him, and saying to Him, is it lawful for a man to divorce his for just any reason? And He answered and said to them, HAVE YOU NOT READ?

1) We read for information: It’s takes facts to be fat. Information is the currency of destiny.
2) We read for Enlightenment: Until you are enlightened, you cannot lighten your world. Books are sources of light. It takes light to take flight.
3) We read to sharpen our mind: We read to provoke and challenge our mind for maximum living.

4) We read to prove and authenticate our knowledge: Every discovery is tested to prove its validity.
5) We read for impartation: Anytime you read a book, you are reading the author mind. Therefore the spirit of the author will enter into you. “Then the Spirit entered me when He
Spoke to me and set me on my feet; and heard Him who spoke to me”.( Ezekiel 2:2.) If you want to be confident read books author by confident men, that same goes for the subject of Leadership, Communication, Healing… etc.
6) We read to stir-up revolution: Reading grant you access to revelation and revelation is the power behind every revolution

1)      Reading will cost you money: investment in knowledge pays the greatest dividend.
2)      Reading will cost you time: “You cannot harvest what you have not invested”
Until you know, you cannot be known” But through knowledge shall the righteous will be delivered into their inheritance. “The men that achieve greatness today didn’t achieve it at a sudden flight…while my friends are in the parties with woman of loose virtues; I’m in the house burning the midnight oil looking for a solution to my country. Why won’t I boast of a superior knowledge?” We are living in the knowledge era, Peter J. Drucker; the great management guru prophesied it many years ago. He said and I quote, “the time is coming when men won’t need a formal education to solve their problems all they’ll do is to get their problem solved informally by seeking informal education”. I’m glad to tell you that this is the time. It’s called the era of the “knowledge worker” Knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness, it beat me hollow when men try to succeed with and in darkness. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and men who seek to govern their lives must seek the power which knowledge gives. The ancients succeeded by books, and founding fathers leaned on the information they gained from books. They burned the midnight oil rubbing their mind with information that made them immoral. They are dead yet we still quote them. They have turned to dust in their graves yet the solution they proffered is what we are still using to solve our problems.
                                                            Joshua 1:8
This Book of the law shall not depart from thy mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all you have good success.
However, books are important, but remember it is not by power, neither is it by might but by the Spirit. Your success in life is tied to this Book (Bible)

In conclusion, I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what the hope of His calling is. What are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saint?

                        SEE YOU AT THE TOP

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