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Saturday 16 July 2011


“Choice is the key to transformation”
I call Heaven and Earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life that both you and your descendant may live :( Deut. 30:19)
A wise man said “The greatest power God has given to us is the power to choose”
 God has given you the power to exercise the ability to make your own choice. Your experience or situation right now is therefore your individual choice, because your choice can either be constructive or destructive which can either make or mar you.
Your choice is the difference between life and death, between prosperity and poverty, and between victory and defeat. If you desire to begin to see progress and result in your life, then you must come to a point of self-realization that your personal choice is the password.
To become a success, an achiever, or an inspiration, there are choices you must make.
                                                CHOICES TO MAKE

                                     CHIOCE TO THINK POSITIVE:
“Your thought is the designer of your destiny.” Myles Munroe. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. “Your life move in the direction of your most dominant thought.” By James Allen. Choose to think positive no matter the circumstances. It is not what happen to you but what happens in you (Your mind) that determine the outcome. “Change your thinking, change your life’’
Myles Munroe said,” Your words create your destiny” Your words are the sign post to your future” Mike Murdock. Death and life and life, success and failure, victory and defeat are in the use of the tongue. One of my pastor said “Your tongue is the driver of your destiny “Be careful of what you say because what you say, is what you will see” And the word became flesh.
Bishop David Abioye said “Who you follow determines what follows you. Show me you friend and I will tell you where you are headed. He that walks with the wise shall be wise and the companion of fools shall be destroyed
      A wise man said “You will be in 5 years what you are today except for 2 things (a) the books you read. (b) The association you keep. Your association determines your accomplishment. Helen Keller said “My friends have made the story of my life. In a thousand ways they have turned my limitations into beautiful privileges, and enabled me to walk serene and happy in the shadow cast by my deprivation
“The future belongs to those who are knowledgeable “The man that achieve greatness today didn’t achieve it in a flight……while my friends are in parties with women of loose virtues, I’m in the house burning the midnight oil looking for a solution to my country. Why won’t I boast of a superior knowledge?” By Obafemi Awolowo. We are living in the knowledge era. Peter j Durcker the great management guru prophesied many years ago. He said, and I quote “The time is coming when men won’t need formal education, to solve their problem; all they will do is to get their problem solved informally, by seeking informal education”
                  Alvin Toffler, the futurist that wrote the book the third wave said, The illiterate of the 21st century is not the man that cannot read and write but the illiterate of the 21st century is the man who refuses to learn, unlearn, and relearn.

Abraham lincolnsaid,”if you stop learning, whether you are 20years old or 80 years old, you are old. “Learning equalizes destiny” To fulfill your destiny in a grand style you must read. The man, who knows how to read and does not read, is not better than the man who knows how to read that does not read. “Reading makes you ready” Pastor Godspower Opara.
                  Every man and woman of value today are all readers, examples of such are Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Ben Carson, Nelson Mandela, Dr. David Oyedepo, Rev. Sam Adeyemi, Barack Obama etc. “Learning culture is the key to creating a future” by Dr David Oyedepo. He went to say that “You are either building a library or you are building a mortuary
                  Don’t be scared of buying books the same way you go shopping for clothes. We are where we are now based on our current level of knowledge and ignorance. “Shirts will cloth your body, but books will clothe your destiny”
                  CHOOSE TO SERVE OTHERS
“Only a life lived for others is worthwhile.” Albert Einstein. Jesus said freely has He given to us that we should freely give. Stagnant water stinks. You become a leader when you start thinking of others especially thinking of adding value to them or making them better than they are.
We make a living by what we get and we make life by what we give” Think of how you can be a blessing to humanity, because the essence of leadership is service. Service is helping others get what they want, like Zig Ziglar remarked by saying that “To get what you want you have to help enough people get what they want”
I was in a conference some years back when Rev.Sam Adeyemi made a statement that I was not in total agreement with, until after some time before I understood what he said, because I came to the conference to learn how to succeed, until I him said and I quote “Don’t try to succeed just help others to succeed. John C. Maxwell said “that Great leaders lead by serving and serve by leading”
K.C Price said “If you fail or succeed is your fault” The choice is your
Leadership Trainer

Konaughe Alfred is a sought-after inspirational speaker, The Publisher of Nigeria No.1 Insightful Magazine :( GIANTHOOD MAGAZINE).He is the C.E.O S.M.A.R.T CONSULT: A leadership consulting company with a vision of “Building leader that will build the Nation.” The Convener of GIANT CONFERENECE AND MOMNET OF CHANGE SEMINAR. He is available to speak at youth convention, conference, seminar, and workshop. His passion is on LEADERSHIP and PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT. He is running with a mission “To inspire and give lives direction”
Call: 08138186475
Web-Site: blessedfred.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. great thought. the choice is really your,whether you succeed or not.
