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Saturday 16 July 2011


“Choice is the key to transformation”
I call Heaven and Earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life that both you and your descendant may live :( Deut. 30:19)
A wise man said “The greatest power God has given to us is the power to choose”
 God has given you the power to exercise the ability to make your own choice. Your experience or situation right now is therefore your individual choice, because your choice can either be constructive or destructive which can either make or mar you.
Your choice is the difference between life and death, between prosperity and poverty, and between victory and defeat. If you desire to begin to see progress and result in your life, then you must come to a point of self-realization that your personal choice is the password.
To become a success, an achiever, or an inspiration, there are choices you must make.
                                                CHOICES TO MAKE

                                     CHIOCE TO THINK POSITIVE:
“Your thought is the designer of your destiny.” Myles Munroe. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. “Your life move in the direction of your most dominant thought.” By James Allen. Choose to think positive no matter the circumstances. It is not what happen to you but what happens in you (Your mind) that determine the outcome. “Change your thinking, change your life’’
Myles Munroe said,” Your words create your destiny” Your words are the sign post to your future” Mike Murdock. Death and life and life, success and failure, victory and defeat are in the use of the tongue. One of my pastor said “Your tongue is the driver of your destiny “Be careful of what you say because what you say, is what you will see” And the word became flesh.
Bishop David Abioye said “Who you follow determines what follows you. Show me you friend and I will tell you where you are headed. He that walks with the wise shall be wise and the companion of fools shall be destroyed
      A wise man said “You will be in 5 years what you are today except for 2 things (a) the books you read. (b) The association you keep. Your association determines your accomplishment. Helen Keller said “My friends have made the story of my life. In a thousand ways they have turned my limitations into beautiful privileges, and enabled me to walk serene and happy in the shadow cast by my deprivation
“The future belongs to those who are knowledgeable “The man that achieve greatness today didn’t achieve it in a flight……while my friends are in parties with women of loose virtues, I’m in the house burning the midnight oil looking for a solution to my country. Why won’t I boast of a superior knowledge?” By Obafemi Awolowo. We are living in the knowledge era. Peter j Durcker the great management guru prophesied many years ago. He said, and I quote “The time is coming when men won’t need formal education, to solve their problem; all they will do is to get their problem solved informally, by seeking informal education”
                  Alvin Toffler, the futurist that wrote the book the third wave said, The illiterate of the 21st century is not the man that cannot read and write but the illiterate of the 21st century is the man who refuses to learn, unlearn, and relearn.

Abraham lincolnsaid,”if you stop learning, whether you are 20years old or 80 years old, you are old. “Learning equalizes destiny” To fulfill your destiny in a grand style you must read. The man, who knows how to read and does not read, is not better than the man who knows how to read that does not read. “Reading makes you ready” Pastor Godspower Opara.
                  Every man and woman of value today are all readers, examples of such are Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Ben Carson, Nelson Mandela, Dr. David Oyedepo, Rev. Sam Adeyemi, Barack Obama etc. “Learning culture is the key to creating a future” by Dr David Oyedepo. He went to say that “You are either building a library or you are building a mortuary
                  Don’t be scared of buying books the same way you go shopping for clothes. We are where we are now based on our current level of knowledge and ignorance. “Shirts will cloth your body, but books will clothe your destiny”
                  CHOOSE TO SERVE OTHERS
“Only a life lived for others is worthwhile.” Albert Einstein. Jesus said freely has He given to us that we should freely give. Stagnant water stinks. You become a leader when you start thinking of others especially thinking of adding value to them or making them better than they are.
We make a living by what we get and we make life by what we give” Think of how you can be a blessing to humanity, because the essence of leadership is service. Service is helping others get what they want, like Zig Ziglar remarked by saying that “To get what you want you have to help enough people get what they want”
I was in a conference some years back when Rev.Sam Adeyemi made a statement that I was not in total agreement with, until after some time before I understood what he said, because I came to the conference to learn how to succeed, until I him said and I quote “Don’t try to succeed just help others to succeed. John C. Maxwell said “that Great leaders lead by serving and serve by leading”
K.C Price said “If you fail or succeed is your fault” The choice is your
Leadership Trainer

Konaughe Alfred is a sought-after inspirational speaker, The Publisher of Nigeria No.1 Insightful Magazine :( GIANTHOOD MAGAZINE).He is the C.E.O S.M.A.R.T CONSULT: A leadership consulting company with a vision of “Building leader that will build the Nation.” The Convener of GIANT CONFERENECE AND MOMNET OF CHANGE SEMINAR. He is available to speak at youth convention, conference, seminar, and workshop. His passion is on LEADERSHIP and PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT. He is running with a mission “To inspire and give lives direction”
Call: 08138186475
Web-Site: blessedfred.blogspot.com

Wednesday 6 July 2011


I AM TODAY (Daily confession)
I am an inspiration to my generation, a builder of people, a creator of possibility, a destiny discoverer, I am a preacher, I am the most sought-after leadership trainer in the world. I am a personal development  coach, an entrepreneur, a television personality, a world no 1 best-selling author, one of the most impactful speaker in our generation, a world-class consultant  an international businessman, a philanthropist,  a prophet, a difference maker maker, a creator of possibility, a solution specialist with a mission of “Inspiring and giving lives direction”

·         That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give unto me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of my understanding being enlightened that I may know the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saint.
·         That I may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding that I may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power.
·         Lord, teach me what I know not, show what I see not, and prepare me for where you have prepared for me.
·         Every day and in every way I am getting better and better, wiser and wiser, richer and richer, stronger and stronger, healthier and healthier. I am blessed and highly favored; I am blessed to be a blessing.

AUTHOR’S PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENT (Written at 12.20pm on May 17, 2011)

To God, I owe my ALL
That my life, walk, and ways may please Him
An expression of His image on the earth
Seeking to serve my generation

To the Konaughe’s and the extended family
I owe the duty of a humble son and brother
Your ambassador outside the home
And a proud extension of the clan

To my best friends and twin
The completion of my frame
And expression of beauty and grace
I owe you, as a true husband and helpmate

To my son(s) and daughter(s)
The true reflection of strength
Do I owe the duty of father, mentor, and friend?
That in you, greatness may be amplified

To friends, met on the various walkways of life
I pledge to strive toward being a true friend
Even in the institution that helped shape me
That I may always have one extra shoulder-for you

To also build an impacting and world-class consulting company
Application of resources materials (consulting) for building and giving of lives direction
For individuals, organisations, nations, regions and international entities
That is my career call-yield, enjoy, fulfill… I must

And at the end of my three days
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
That all stakeholders of my life may say-
He serves God’s purpose in his generation.


--Books makes a man.

“I Daniel understood by books”-(Daniel9:2)
When God intends a change for a people, He also gets them reading.
Therefore I believe a change is about to occur: For change is the only things that bring progress. A man who must make meaning progress in his field must be prepare to read, for a person who doesn’t read is no any better than one who cannot read.
It is in the process of reading and learning that we experience improvement in our minds. There is no achiever who is not a reader. The more you read, the better you become, provided you are reading the right things. For your life move in the direction of the books you read.
It is said that “John F. Kenneth could read 1,200 words per minutes”. This amount to why he was able to consume so great an amount of information. When he was a senator, He was to be operated upon to correct an old injury he sustained. He was informed that he would be sedentary for months. He decided to study the lives of America most courageous men. At the end of the period, he wrote a book called “Profile in Courage” The book won the pitilizers award.
Bishop David Oyedepo said and I quote “somebody asks me what I do with my time?” I reply, I only read and think. Reading are leaders, leaders are ladders other climb to reach the top….. He said “If you’re a minister and you have access to the facts that I’m using we will have the same results. The difference between my peers and I is the privilege insight I have gotten through rigorous study. “Study yourself approved unto God as a workman that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of Truth” (2tim2:15.)
“The more studious you are, the more glorious your destiny become.” That means the bigger your mind, the larger your coast’ Yonggi Cho is one of the biggest brains that the Church of Jesus Christ has ever known. The growth of his church is a function of his mental capacity. “It is your mental picture that determine your actual future” Peter one of the Apostles was speaking of one of the greatest man in the New Testament .Paul the Apostle. He said” As also in his entire epistle, “Speaking of this as he does in all of his letters. There are some things in those (epistles of Paul) that are difficult to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist and misconstrue to their own utter destruction, just as (they distort and misinterpret) the rest of the rest (2Peter3:16.)
The Apostle Peter recognized Paul high level of mentality but the secret is in (2Timothy 4:13). (When) you  come, bring the cloak that I left at Troas with Carpus, also the books, especially the parchments. Reading is the gate-way to reigning. “Reading makes a full man”
Reading is the way out of ignorance and the road to achievement. (1Timothy 4:13) “Till I come, give attention to reading….”Reading culture is the key to creating a future” by Dr. David Oyedepo.
Reading is cure for ignorance. Even God said in (Isaiah34:16) “Search from the book of the Lord, not one of them shall fail, not one shall lack her mate, for my mouth has command it, and His Spirit has gathered them.”


Matthew 19:3-4 The Pharisees also came to Him (Jesus) testing Him, and saying to Him, is it lawful for a man to divorce his for just any reason? And He answered and said to them, HAVE YOU NOT READ?

1) We read for information: It’s takes facts to be fat. Information is the currency of destiny.
2) We read for Enlightenment: Until you are enlightened, you cannot lighten your world. Books are sources of light. It takes light to take flight.
3) We read to sharpen our mind: We read to provoke and challenge our mind for maximum living.

4) We read to prove and authenticate our knowledge: Every discovery is tested to prove its validity.
5) We read for impartation: Anytime you read a book, you are reading the author mind. Therefore the spirit of the author will enter into you. “Then the Spirit entered me when He
Spoke to me and set me on my feet; and heard Him who spoke to me”.( Ezekiel 2:2.) If you want to be confident read books author by confident men, that same goes for the subject of Leadership, Communication, Healing… etc.
6) We read to stir-up revolution: Reading grant you access to revelation and revelation is the power behind every revolution

1)      Reading will cost you money: investment in knowledge pays the greatest dividend.
2)      Reading will cost you time: “You cannot harvest what you have not invested”
Until you know, you cannot be known” But through knowledge shall the righteous will be delivered into their inheritance. “The men that achieve greatness today didn’t achieve it at a sudden flight…while my friends are in the parties with woman of loose virtues; I’m in the house burning the midnight oil looking for a solution to my country. Why won’t I boast of a superior knowledge?” We are living in the knowledge era, Peter J. Drucker; the great management guru prophesied it many years ago. He said and I quote, “the time is coming when men won’t need a formal education to solve their problems all they’ll do is to get their problem solved informally by seeking informal education”. I’m glad to tell you that this is the time. It’s called the era of the “knowledge worker” Knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness, it beat me hollow when men try to succeed with and in darkness. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and men who seek to govern their lives must seek the power which knowledge gives. The ancients succeeded by books, and founding fathers leaned on the information they gained from books. They burned the midnight oil rubbing their mind with information that made them immoral. They are dead yet we still quote them. They have turned to dust in their graves yet the solution they proffered is what we are still using to solve our problems.
                                                            Joshua 1:8
This Book of the law shall not depart from thy mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all you have good success.
However, books are important, but remember it is not by power, neither is it by might but by the Spirit. Your success in life is tied to this Book (Bible)

In conclusion, I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what the hope of His calling is. What are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saint?

                        SEE YOU AT THE TOP

Monday 25 April 2011

As a man thinks in his heart

I read the account of a national convention of the barber and hairstylists of the United States in a book. You can go up by bill and does string fellow. The barbers and hairstylists wanted to give Americans a better image of their profession. so they hired a young public relation executive to handle the job. The public relation executive went to the work immediately and here is what he did. He went to the slum of New York City to pick up a young man who was a tramp with soiled and faltered clothes, his hair was unkempt and his beard was dirty. After his toning to the executive officer, the tramp agreed to a deal since there was some cash to the bargain.
The young executive took the tramp straight to a photographer shop and had some snaps of him the way he was dirty and unkempt. Then he gave him a face lift, a steam bath, a shave and a hair cut, and took him to the photographer for another round of snaps. But he was not finished. The PR executive took the young man to town and got him professionally made suits, shirts, ties and shoes. Then he had a third round of photographer snaps.
On the day the convention started, the young executive positioned three life size photographs of his subject of the lobby of the hotel. And he were of the top those pictures, “see what the barber and hairstylists of American can do to a man” the story immediately hit the headlines across America. For effect the well surfed tramp was positioned at the hotel lobby to shake hands with people as they came in for the convention. The gambit worked. The campaign was a success now the assistant hotel manager was bunched and decided to do something. He got the tramp a job, and waited for him to resume work. But the young man did not show up. What happened? The man was changed outwardly; inwardly he was the same old tramp so, he had gone back to his old sham lifestyle.
The barbers and hairstylists of America may change a man's interior, but until the man is changed inwardly, the change is the wrong type.
Dear reader, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. A man cannot rise above the level of his thoughts “and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
This verse simply states that we alter our lives only to the degree to which we alter our thoughts. Thoughts are powerful. Whether a man succeeds or fails; rises or falls [depends basically on the use of his mind']. A man's life will always move in the direction of his dormant thoughts. As a man thinks; so is he. As he continues to think so he remains. If a man thinks he is poor he'll remain poor, if he thinks things are difficult for him, they'll remain difficult, If he thinks anything is impossible for him, it'll remain difficult for him.
As long as a man thinks he is the victim of circumstances, he will be harassed by those circumstances. The moment he takes control of his mind and exercises his power to create new circumstances, he breaks free. Henry Ford said “whether you think you can, or think you can't you are right” think about that.
 Psychologists tell us we are literally what we think. Every measure of progress that man has experienced started from his mind. The airplane, the television, the radio, buildings, even landing on the moon started as a thought in people's minds.
My question to you today is what is on your mind? Are they thoughts of failure, or lack of impossibility, or fear or defeat? Are you worrying about one thing or the other?
We must break free from thoughts that will not move our lives forward. When we pray to God to change our circumstances, we must first learn to change our thoughts. It is when our progress agrees with our thoughts that our prayers are answered.
You do not pray and fast for you to print photography of yourself in attire, if you were a different one while taking the picture. All you have to do is to take a new snap. This is true of our country lording.
My dear readers let us begin to see our country as a righteous and prosperous nation. Let us begin to develop in our minds, new dreams for our lives. Our country cannot change until we change our thoughts and our attitude towards ourselves and others.

how to succeed in this economy

“The men that achieved greatness today didn't achieve it at a sudden flight… while my friends are in the parties with woman of loose virtues, I'm in the house burning the midnight oil looking for a solution to my country. Why won't I boast of a superior knowledge”?.
                                                                                                                 By Obafemi Awolowo.
We are living in the knowledge era, peter J. Drucker, the great management guru prophesied it many years ago. He said, and I quote, “the time is coming when  men won't need a formal education to solve their problems, all they'll do is to get their problems solved informally by seeking informal education”. I'm glad to tell you that this is the time. It's called the era of the “knowledge worker”. Knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness, it beat me hollow when men try to succeed with and in darkness. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and men who seek to govern their lives must seek the power which knowledge gives. The ancients succeeded by books, and founding fathers leaned on the information they gained from books. They burned the midnight oil rubbing their mind with information that made them immoral. They are dead yet we still quote them. They have turned to dust in their graves yet the solution they proffered is what we are still using to solve our problems. To quote some of them, I start with Obafemi Awolowo, Awolowo said, “the men that achieve greatness today didn't achieve it at a sudden flight, while my mates and friends are in the parties with women of loose virtues I'm in the house burning the midnight oil, looking for a solution to Nigeria, why won't I boast of a superior knowledge”, Awo as he was called then built the fragile economy of the western Nigeria into a formidable force to be reckoned with all over the world. He built liberty stadium, which is still in use till today. He built Cocoa House, the first sky scrapper in West Africa; it's still in use till date. He started the first T.V station in West Africa, that TV station is still alive till date. He started the tribune Newspaper, its' still being read and circulated till date. He was a man of achievement, yet he was a man of books that burned the midnight oil. Permit me to mention the late F.R.A Williams, one of the brightest minds in the legal profession Nigeria have ever produced. This was a man that judges feared and even the brightest judges hated to preside over any case that involved him. Before he died, he called one of his sons to take him into the library, sat down, looked at the books, smiled and gave up the ghost. His last respect as it where were to the books that made him what he became.
Now that we are living in the 21st century, the story has not changed. We can't build with ignorance. We can't move forward with empty brains and to try to do that will be suicidal. Alvin Toffler, the futurist that wrote the book the third wave said,” the illiterate of the 21st century is not the men that cannot read and write, but the illiterate of the 21st century is the man who refuses to learn, unlearn and relearn”. Please my friends, I beg you with all the mercies of God, don't try to succeed without books. Don't go the journey of life on your hand, a notepad and a pen, your day is made. We have 21st century examples to learn from, I'll start from   Oprah Winfrey.
Oprah was taught to read by her grandmother at the age of two and half. However she was raped at the age of thirteen ran away from home at the age of fifteen, she gave birth to the child but the child died. She was destined to doom until her father came to her rescue. At sixteen her father made her read at least a book, she was to write a report on the book, she was also to memorize the new words each day. Books and information stretched her minds beyond the bounds of gender and racial discrimination. Today she is the wealthiest black woman on earth and the woman on TV.
Let's look at Dr. Ben Carson, the most celebrated pediatric neurosurgeon in the world. The first neurosurgeon to successfully separate a Siamese twin without side effects. He is also the first black neurosurgeon to successfully carry out a hemispherectomy without side effects. However, he didn't start out like that, he was the dumbest boy in the class until his mother mandated him to read at least two books a week and to write a report on it, and she stopped him from watching TV and to memorize the time tables. That decision was what brought the turning point in his life. He became the youngest director of pediatric neurosurgeon at the John Hopkins university hospital Baltimore.
These are living examples we can feel and touch, friends lets wrap up and go for books. We can't and won't go far without them. Books have made mere mortals immortal, the power of the printed word have given finite man the power of infinity. It has turned losers into winners, failures into success and they are here to move us forward if we will just embrace them. Some have argued that the cost of getting knowledge is high-arguably true, but how cheap is ignorance? The burden of ignorance far out weighs that of knowledge. Please do not be deceived. Jim Hohn the foremost 21st century business philosopher said; we must not be afraid of empting our pockets into our brains”. Mike Murdock said, “The reason some people's stomach is more obvious than their brains simply depends on what they invest on”. Knowledge will defiantly cost you something, but the reward definitely outweighs the cost. Don't be scared of buying books the same way you go for shopping, step into a bookshop and shop for your mind. Never forget this: we are where we are based on our current knowledge and ignorance. Everything we do not have was lost simply because of our ignorance, stay with me.

Monday 11 April 2011

The power of vision

"The journey toward destiny always begins with vision.Vision is the roadmap to your destiny.The picture of your purpose without it,you may find yourself off course,going nowhere"


VISION:is a comprehensive sense of you are,where you are going,how you are going to get there and what you will do after you get there.

VISION:is feeling challenged by the world around you and being compelled to make a mark on if through the force of your own ideas,personality's resource and desire.

VISION:is being driven to meeting needs

  Helen Keller was said to be blind and deaf and mute said "that the greatest tragedy that befall a person is to have sight without vision"SIGHT IS THE FUNCTION OF THE EYES WHILE VISION IS THE FUNCTION OF THE MIND.eyes that look are many but eyes that see are few.

THE LAW OF VISION states that "what you see is what you get"......WHAT DO YOU SEE OF YOUR FUTURE,YOUR FAMILY ,COMMUNITY,COUNTRY..what you see is what you become.

A wise man sad "imagination is everything" engage your imagination to create a better future for yourself..someone said God gave our imagination in order for us to visit our destination....I SEE YOU AT THE TOP OF YOUR CAREER,PROFESSION.....I SEE YOU AS A CELEBRITY .SEE YOU AT THE TOP. you are blessed and highly favoured